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Cali Kizer: "Thank you so much. I use these for my lesson plans as I'm a teacher and they work so well. I can usually find something online that relates to what I'm teaching that day!" read more

List of Supported Formats

See also: List of Supported Servers

  Light version Standard version Professional version Ultimate version
.flv (Not Converted) Yes Yes Yes Yes
.avi (For PC or Laptop) Yes Yes Yes Yes
.mpeg (For PC, Laptop or DVD Player) Yes Yes Yes Yes
.wmv (For PC or Laptop) No Yes Yes Yes
.mp4 (For iPod,iPhone,Sony PSP, PDA) No No Yes Yes
.mov (For iPod) No No Yes Yes
.3gp (For Cell Phone) No No Yes Yes
.3g2 (For Cell Phone) No No Yes Yes
.mp3 (For PC, Laptop or mp3 Player) No No Yes Yes
.wav (For PC, Laptop or mp3 Player) No No Yes Yes
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